Евгений Водзинский

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3 lesson

Conjugation Verbs

Verbs are divided by type of conjugation:

Table №3.1.

Strong The weak Wrong
Change the root vowel to Präsens (partially), Imperfekt (is always), Partizip (partially). Their forms must be memorized. Never change the root vowel. This is the largest group of verbs. Verb forms can be made by yourself according to the scheme. They have signs of strong (changing the root vowel) and weak (ending) verbs. Their forms must be memorized.
beginnen - to start
bitten - to ask
essen - to eat
fallen - to fall
geben - to give …
machen - to do
lernen - to study
arbeiten - to work
besuchen - to visit
antworten - to answer …
kennen - to know
nennen - to call
brennen - to burn
denken - to think
bringen - to bring
wissen - to know …

Modal Verbs Group (a separate lesson will be devoted to this):

wollen - to want
können - to be able to (ability, physical ability)
dürfen - to be able (with permission)
sollen - to be due (by order, by order)
müssen - to be due (by inner conviction)
möchten - to wish

Now let's see how verbs that belong to different groups in Präsens.

Table №3.2.

Strong The weak Wrong
fallen - to fall machen - to do bringen - to bring
ich falle ich mache ich bringe
du fällst du machst du bringst
er/sie/es fällt er/sie/es macht er/sie/es bringt
wir fallen wir machen wir bringen
ihr fallt ihr macht ihr bringt
fallen sie
machen sie
We observe a change in the root vowel. Conjugates like most verbs. In Presens has signs of a weak verb.

Exercises are available after registration here

  • antworten - to answer
  • beginnen - to start
  • besuchen - to visit
  • bitten - to ask
  • brennen - to burn
  • bringen - to bring
  • denken - to think
  • dürfen - to be able (with permission)
  • essen - to eat
  • fallen - to fall
  • geben - to give
  • kennen - to know
  • können - to be able to (ability, physical ability)
  • machen - to do
  • möchten - to wish
  • müssen - to be due (by inner conviction)
  • nennen - to call
  • sollen - to be due (by order, by order)
  • wissen - to know
  • wollen - to want