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5 lesson

Present verb (Präsens).

Strong verbs.

Consider the features of the "behavior" of some strong verbs present conjugation (Präsens). They “differ” in that they change their root vowel in units 2 and 3 of the unit. numbers. There are many strong verbs. Of course, over time they need to be remembered. A list of these verbs is provided in dictionaries.

Some strong verbs in the 2nd and 3rd person units. numbers change e on the i, ie.

geben - to give

nehmen - to take

helfen - to help

sehen - to watch, to see

sprechen - to speak

lesen - to read

befehlen - to order

empfehlen - to advise

essen - to eat

vergessen - to forget

Table №5.1. Strong conjugation example geben.

Replacement Attention e on the i, ie
in the 2nd and 3rd person singular.
ich gebe
du gibst
er/sie/es gibt
wir geben
ihr gebt

Some strong verbs in the 2nd and 3rd person units. numbers change a on the ä.

fahren - to drive

tragen - to wear, to hold

laufen - to run

schlafen - to sleep

fallen - to fall

halten - to hold, to keep

waschen - to wash

Table №5.2. Strong conjugation example fahren.

Replacement Attention a on the ä
in the 2nd and 3rd person singular.
ich fahre
du fährst
er/sie/es fährt
wir fahren
ihr fahrt

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  • befehlen - to order
  • empfehlen - to advise
  • fahren - to drive
  • halten - to hold, to keep
  • helfen - to help
  • laufen - to run
  • lesen - to read
  • nehmen - to take
  • schlafen - to sleep
  • sehen - to watch, to see
  • sprechen - to speak
  • tragen - to wear, to hold
  • waschen - to wash